1. Wallpaper pattern matching:
Regular small pattern wallpaper can provide a background that is neither exaggerated nor too plain. If you are choosing wallpaper for the first time, this wallpaper is most suitable. The matching of wallpaper with small flowers and trivial ornaments will make the room appear chaotic. The overall coordination effect should be considered when purchasing. Wallpaper with clear lines, bold colors, and abstract patterns is suitable for avant-garde consumers who like to be innovative and changeable. Such wallpaper needs the same unique furniture collocation.
2. Coordinate with the decoration style:
Determine your own needs and choose wallpaper in a targeted manner. The only purpose is to coordinate with the entire decoration style. For a spacious room, choose large flowers or a wider strip pattern to make the room look fuller. If the room is small and has a lot of furniture, wallpaper with a finer pattern and lighter color should be used to expand the space. The room is dark, the wallpaper should be light and warm; the room has good light, spacious and bright, and dark-toned wallpaper can be used to easily show the indoor atmosphere. The living room should use light and elegant wallpaper with simple and bright patterns; warm colors and strong decorative patterns are ideal for the bedroom, which is easy to form a sweet and warm atmosphere. The kitchen and bathroom should choose bright-colored, scrub-resistant wallpaper.